About Us
We stand at the intersection where those who create and shape transformer technology meet those who share passion for knowledge and advancement, and understand what's most important and why.
As the influential news source and a vehicle for disseminating game-changing ideas, we provide authoritative and trustworthy coverage of the transformer and transformer-related industries.
Our mission is to provide access to the latest news and existing valuable knowledge on the industry leading technology in transformer design, manufacturing, installation and operation for engaged professionals and influential decision makers in the industry.
Our vision is to create an interactive platform and a body of knowledge where a community of transformer experts, suppliers, designers, purchasers, and anyone with an interest and business in transformers share the valuable knowledge and experience that will help all stakeholders in the industry make informed decisions.
"I want to rally my generation to share their knowledge and experience with the next generation; to create reliable electric systems, including reliable transformers that industry and society can trust.
I want to leave things better than I found them. I believe most of my friends and colleagues will want to join me as well."
- Alan Ross, Editor in Chief