Investment in domestic production of transformers is vital to maintain the reliability and resiliency of the electrical grid. While many transformer manufacturers are turning to inexpensive overseas labor and materials, one company is stemming the tide and bringing transformer manufacturing jobs back to North America.
Virginia Transformer is the largest U.S.-owned and -operated producer of small to extra-large transformers in the United States. Based in Roanoke, Va., the company has expanded significantly over the past 50 years, with five manufacturing facilities located across the United States and Mexico. Due to its consistent growth and repeated investment in domestic manufacturing, Virginia Transformer has the shortest lead times in the industry.
Per the Department of Commerce investigative report, some of the most common issues affecting the domestic transformer manufacturing industry are labor availability, lack of skilled labor, and employee retention. Virginia Transformer addresses these challenges by providing extensive training programs to both new hires and long-term employees. This continuous educational investment in their workforce ensures that all employees at Virginia Transformer are highly trained and prepared for their roles across the company.