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There are many challenges that utilities face today in the never-ending goal of continuing to provide safe and reliable power. These challenges include trying to improve the resiliency of the grid to natural disasters, replacing aging infrastructure and making power delivery more efficient, all while integrating renewable energy sources.
One key element of these initiatives is the large power transformer, which is a critical building block to the grid [1]. New transmission lines will require substation upgrades, including power transformers. New renewable energy plants will require power transformers to interconnect to the grid. The average age of a large power transformer is 40 years, which is at the end of its designed service life [2]. This increasing demand for units is being met with a volatile supply chain struggling to keep up.
Power transformer lead times have gone up across all kVA sizes including large substation units to small distribution pole tops. In many cases, these lead times are reported to be 2-3 years [3]. Coupled with these increasing lead times is the significant cost of replacement, as the natural economic forces of supply and demand have driven up the price far greater than inflation or commodity increases would predict.
There are some very real compromises that utilities have been forced to make to meet this demand. These often include using new suppliers, non-standard designs or refurbishing units. All three will have an impact on the performance of that power transformer, increasing the risk of unexpected failures and potentially leading to a shorter service life.
Large Power Transformers are largely dependent on the availability of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES), which accounts for roughly 25% of the unit’s cost. The vast majority of this material is imported into the United States with only one domestic supplier [1]. With a significant decline in domestic manufacturing of large power transformers and cores and concerns over the national security of bulk power systems, the presidential administration implemented Section 232 Tariffs on Steel. While this did improve the financial stability of domestic suppliers, it was disruptive to the large power transformer industry supply chain. This flux in competitive balance caused by the 25% tariff was magnified by the labor impacts as a result of the global pandemic. The net result of these two major market impacts is that the average large power transformer lead time has doubled and the cost has increased substantially [3].
Procurement departments at large utilities, renewable energy producers, and other large industrial customers are faced with approving alternative suppliers. Many of these alternative suppliers are not commonly used in the supply of large power transformers for the US bulk power system because of design limitations and reduced quality controls. When the legacy supplier lead times were not acceptable, these customers were forced to take on the additional risk of transformer failure to maintain power delivery. The same risks exist when sourcing a nonstandard design that may have a reduced capacity, or refurbishing a unit with an unknown history.
With a significant decline in domestic manufacturing of large power transformers and cores and concerns over the national security of bulk power systems, the presidential administration implemented Section 232 Tariffs on Steel. While this did improve the financial stability of domestic suppliers, it was disruptive to the large power transformer industry supply chain.