Credit: CNW Group/Hydro One Inc.
In a significant move to support the burgeoning energy demands of the Nation's capital, Hydro One Inc. announced the completion of $46.9 million in transmission line upgrades at the Merivale Transmission Station. Joined by partners Hydro Ottawa and representatives from the City of Ottawa and the government of Ontario, the upgrades aim to enhance the electrical capacity of power lines by an impressive 66%, from 650MW to 1,080MW.
The ambitious project, initiated in July 2020 and completed in time for Ottawa's winter season, involved reinforcing transmission towers and replacing power lines and insulators along a 12 km stretch of the 230kV double circuit transmission line between Merivale and Hawthorne Transmission Stations. These enhancements not only cater to the growing energy demands in the Ottawa area but also enable the transfer of more power between eastern Ontario and Quebec, fostering a cleaner energy exchange.
The transmission line upgrades not only fortify the electricity network's resiliency but also improve reliability for residents, businesses, and industrial customers. Hydro One is now progressing with the modernization of the Merivale Transmission Station, expanding its footprint to accommodate two new 230-kilovolt transformers and a new operations building. As part of this initiative, a new Community Support Agreement with the City of Ottawa has been inked, directly benefitting local residents with support for recreational projects.
Andrew Spencer, Executive Vice President, Capital Portfolio Delivery at Hydro One, emphasized the importance of substantial investments in building a grid for the future, meeting the evolving needs of local businesses, residents, and the economy. The Mayor of Ottawa, Mark Sutcliffe, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the critical role of these electricity transmission projects in the city's future growth plans and prosperity.