FRANKFURT, GERMANY — The newly elected Chair will take over from Dr. Frank Golletz, at the end of his three-year mandate.
CIGRE Germany have recently announced the election of their new National Committee Chair. Following in the footsteps of Dr. Frank Golletz, the CEO of 50 Hertz, is Wilfried Breuer, CEO of Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, with Michael Jesberger CEO of Transnet BW, as the newly elected Vice Chair.
“I would like to particularly thank Dr. Golletz for his admirable personal commitment during these three trying years marked so heavily by the coronavirus, during which the committee sessions could only be organised virtually. Yet despite it all, not only have we been able to continue our scientific work but even managed to gain new members here in Germany,” said Wilfried Breuer.
Source: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen