ILLINOIS – ComEd submitted an investment proposal to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) as basis for the upcoming, ICC-led workshop process and the first step toward the submission of ComEd's Multi-Year Integrated Grid Plan in 2023.
The investment proposal is part of the company’s commitment to implement the new clean energy law that puts the state on a path toward a 100% clean energy future by 2050.
This proposal, which ComEd will continue to refine, will serve as the basis of the upcoming, ICC-led workshop process and is the first step toward the submission in 2023 of ComEd's Multi-Year Integrated Grid Plan, the company said in a press release.
"Under the recently enacted clean energy law, state leaders affirmed more work is needed on the grid to maintain that performance and further our shared commitment to clean energy solutions," said Michelle Blaise, senior vice president of technical services for ComEd. "Our preliminary investments proposal ensures that ComEd can maintain performance, address new challenges brought by climate change and meet our commitment to providing clean, reliable and resilient energy and economic opportunity for all the northern Illinois communities we're privileged to serve."
To ensure the upcoming stakeholder workshop process has the necessary information to enable a productive dialogue, the Capital Investments Proposal discusses past ComEd investments, present grid conditions, planning processes and planned investments to meet current and future customer needs, the company said in a press release.
Source: ComEd