The IEEE Transformer Committee is revising its guides to help transformer professionals rise to the challenges of the energy transformation.
With the global pandemic continuing, the IEEE Transformer Committee was forced to conduct the fall meeting virtually. Despite the inability to meet together, the Committee remains very active and is committed to developing stronger guides to help the power industry.
Within the Insulating Fluids Subcommittee, the working group for C57.146, IEEE Guide for Interpretation of Gasses Generated in Silicone-Immersed Transformers continues to analyze DGA data for silicone-filled transformers.
Although the installation of new silicone-filled transformers is not as common as when the guide was developed, many silicone-filled transformers remain in service, so there is a value to the data for the users. The working group has found a variance to the limits originally established, so ideally, the goal is to establish a 90th and 95th percentile DGA status for each gas, similarly to how C57.104, IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers was modified.
Within the Power Transformer Subcommittee, C57.143, IEEE Guide for Application for Monitoring Equipment to Liquid-Immersed Transformers and Components received an extension to revise the guide. It is expected to go to ballot in spring 2022, with significant changes to the guide for on-line moisture and bushing monitoring.
Find out more here.
Source: NETA World