Kenya has announced a groundbreaking initiative to convert its over 70,000 power transformers into internet hotspots across the country. This ambitious plan, revealed by ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo, aims to leverage existing power infrastructure to expand internet access efficiently and cost-effectively.
In a recent Chamber of Commerce meeting, Owalo detailed how the government, in collaboration with the Kenya Power and Lighting Company, will utilize power lines to provide internet connectivity instead of the traditional method of laying fiber optic cables underground. “Where there is a transformer in that location, we will leverage that infrastructure to have an internet hotspot,” Owalo stated, emphasizing the transformative potential of the project. The initial target is to establish 25,000 Wi-Fi hotspots, with the ultimate goal of utilizing all 74,000 transformers to triple this number.
Owalo highlighted the significant cost savings achieved by this innovative approach. Installing fiber alongside existing power cables reduces the cost to approximately KSh600,000 ($4,568) per kilometer, compared to the KSh2.3 million ($17,510) per kilometer required for trench-digging fiber installations. This cost-effective strategy not only accelerates the rollout but also makes internet access more affordable for a broader segment of the population.