ReNew Transmission Ventures is making significant strides in bolstering India's power transmission infrastructure with its recent pursuit of transmission licenses for two interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has directed Renew Transmission Ventures Pvt Ltd to initiate a public notice inviting suggestions/objections regarding the grant of transmission licenses for the projects, which are set to enhance infrastructure through regulated tariff mechanisms (RTM).
The projects, developed by subsidiaries of ReNew Transmission Ventures, namely Koppal-Narendra Transmission Ltd and Gadag Transmission Ltd, focus on augmenting transformation capacity at key pooling stations in Karnataka. The augmentation involves the installation of 500 MVA, 400/200 kV interconnecting transformers (ICTs), with an approximate cost of Rs.57.59 crore each, and a projected completion date of June 30, 2025.
These initiatives stem from larger ISTS-TBCB (Inter-State Transmission System - Tariff Based Competitive Bidding) projects aimed at facilitating renewable energy evacuation and distribution. For instance, the Koppal-Narendra Transmission Ltd's project involves the creation of the Koppal pooling station and associated transmission lines to evacuate power from the Koppal Wind Energy Zone, while Gadag Transmission Ltd focuses on the solar energy zone in Gadag.
Furthermore, the expansion plans extend to additional projects such as the "Gadag II-A Transmission Ltd," indicating a comprehensive strategy to accommodate the growing renewable energy capacity in Karnataka. With these endeavors, ReNew Transmission Ventures not only aims to meet the increasing energy demands but also underscores its commitment to sustainable energy infrastructure development.
Source: tndindia.com