In the aftermath of a powerful earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Hokuriku Electric Power Co. is under investigation following damage to transformers at its Shika nuclear power plant. Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shinsuke Yamanaka has urged the power company to conduct a thorough inquiry into the incident. The investigation's findings are crucial for determining future safety measures, Yamanaka stated.
The power company reported on Friday that transformers in the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors at the Shika plant were damaged, resulting in a leakage of 19,800 liters of insulating oil. This leakage led to operational challenges, including the inoperability of radiation monitoring posts and spilled water cooling spent fuel. The evolving nature of the announcements from the operator has raised concerns, with revisions on details such as the fire, oil leakage, and water level fluctuations due to the tsunami.
During an NRA meeting, it was highlighted that the operator did not anticipate scenarios where system failures, including transformer issues, would disrupt the plant's electricity supply. Despite these challenges, Yamanaka reassured that there is no immediate impact on the safety of the Shika plant. He emphasized the importance of identifying the root cause and encouraged other nuclear plants to enhance their safety measures accordingly. The NRA will provide guidance to Hokuriku Power Company on effective information dissemination.