UK — The Constellation of smart substations should help make for a more efficient and greener electricity network.
Vodafone and UK Power Networks, the country’s biggest electricity network operator, have announced a world-first trial to connect parts of the UK’s electricity network with high-speed 5G internet. The deal is part of the electricity network operator’s Constellation project, which will see powerful computers installed in electricity substations to improve efficiency. This in turn will enable more clean energy sources and low carbon technologies like electric vehicles to connect to the network. The project is funded by the Network Innovation Competition administered by Ofgem.
The new smart substations needed to manage the electricity network in real time will communicate with each other over a highly secure part of Vodafone’s 5G standalone network. Once substations are connected using 5G – which is up to 100 times faster than 3G and ten times faster than 4G – each substation will be able to analyse millions of data points and manage the network to run more efficiently, freeing up capacity for clean energy to help the UK reach its target goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Vodafone will help deliver Constellation, the electricity network operator’s revolutionary smart substation for trial and will also provide the 5G connectivity to electricity substations. Industry giants such as General Electric, the University of Strathclyde, ABB and Siemens will develop and demonstrate software solutions so that each substation will be able to edit the configuration of the network automatically. This will enable them to respond to dynamic changes to the electricity network or future demands caused by large scale shifts to renewable energy, electric vehicles and electric heating.
Apart from increasing substation's efficiency and decreasing their own carbon footprint, the new Constellation project is expected to boost the UK’s net zero carbon ambitions by creating more room for renewables on the network.
“Helping our customers achieve their ambitious net zero targets is an essential part of our strategy. The team at UK Power Networks has seen the huge potential of 5G and network slicing. 5G is not only replacing older and more expensive technologies, it is bringing about new capabilities that benefit everyone – consumers, businesses and our environment. We are looking forward to working with UK Power Networks on this exciting and innovative project,” said Andrea Dona, Chief Network Officer, Vodafone UK.
“Working with Vodafone and our industry and academic partners, we are creating an exciting platform that keeps our networks the smartest in the world. We already have smart control rooms and smart electric vehicle chargers – developing smart substations in the middle will help us facilitate net zero and deliver real cost and carbon savings for our customers,” said Ian Cameron, head of customer services and innovation at UK Power Networks.
The trial will be limited to electricity cables and lines owned and maintained by UK Power Networks. If the trial is successful the Constellation project will eventually be rolled out across the entire UK and could save 63 702 tonnes of CO2 by 2050, roughly equivalent to the carbon emissions of 38 607 return flights from London to New York.
Source: Vodafone UK News Centre