Virgin Islands, US - The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority’s governing board signed off on a $4 million part of the plan to get power transformers off utility poles. In addition to improving the view, ground-level transformers are less likely to be damaged by severe weather events, officials said at the board’s meeting Thursday.
The overhead gray cilinders will be replaced by roadside boxes mounted on concrete. Electrical equipment experts at the Thursday board meeting said the ground-level transformers would be much more resilient and reliable in weather storms and are far easier to access when repairs are needed. No expensive and dangerous bucket trucks would be needed.
Of the 117 transformers ordered, 105 are bound for St. Croix and 12 for St. Thomas, covering areas in Hannah’s Rest, Queen Mary Highway, Frederiksted, and between Charlotte Amalie and Cyril E. King Airport. The Federal Emergency Management Authority will supply funding for 90 percent of the project and the Department of Housing and Urban Development funding the remaining 10 percent.